
   - Information for Customers Members is all the data about products, services and companies that allow them to choose what to buy and better satisfy both their personal and Community needs.                       - Information for Suppliers Members and Retailers Partners is all the data required to allow them to improve their products and services, get the support of customers and avoid the need to spend resources on marketing and advertising.

For information to be useful to customers and suppliers, it has to be quantifiable. The information has to be statistically validated, tabular, and easy to use and compare.

What is important to us??? What do we want to improve?? 

We have to answer these two question in order to generate useful information.. At ciMarket we are focused on improving our consumption needs at the same time we help create a most sustainable community. 

Who loads the data to the cimarket portal??

1.- Retail partners register all the purchasing made by customer members and send it to cimarket. This data is a reflection of our consumption behavior and needs and is review on a weekly base. This data allows us to assess the customer's level of commitment to supplier members. 

2.- Supplier members upload relevant data about their products, services and company. The data is in a format that allows customers to compare similiar goods and services offered by the different supplier members. This helps us understand how each contributes to satisfying our needs.

3.- Within ciMarket, customers have the option of easily projecting their future consumption. This is relevant information for suppliers that will assist them with decreasing ¨stock level speculation¨, even be able to create ¨Just-In-Time (JUT), on-demand production¨.

4.- CiMarket will provide statistical information between customers and suppliers, including scores such as level of satisfaction of each customer need. This is information that is relevant to suppliers, who can use it to improve products, services and company behaviors.

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